Monday, December 8, 2014

Welcome to Life on the Carats 'n Ranch

Carats or Carrots?

Can they be both?

My family has toyed with the idea of just going off and living off the land, living off the grid, etc.  We have spoken of living this life on the carrots and ranch.  Since that name was taken...

I'll start with this one.

I'm starting this blog on my 50th birthday as a way to document my journey and my families journey through the next year.  Why one year? Because if I can make it through this year I will make it to another.

I also want to pass along what knowledge I have gained through my 50 years on this Earth.

Lesson Number 1:  Don't smoke and if you start - stop.

That is the lesson I will live starting now.

With your help I will succeed.

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